* The "Golden Nugget" Mining Game...
...is about to go viral in a very big way!
Like a giant wildfire engulfing the globe...

“The day dawned...
when to remain enclosed in a bud became more painful
...than the risk it took to blossom.”
What Does SimBUCK$…Stand For? SimBUCK$ NEW game ...like any game, is made up of Rules, Levels, Goals, Obstacles, and Boundary’s, but our new Game, also comes with something else, namely integrity, sincerity, honesty and a dedicated love for our fellow man! In our SimBUCK$ game…the very first rule is to always Help, Honor, Respect and Love your fellow Private Members…as they are here to help, honor, respect and love you back. Be sincerely nice to people…treat others very well…helping others always gives you more…inside and outside of the Game. These are just some of the good things that epitomize what SimBUCK$ stands for…and what we will always stand for! Life is too short to be angry, disgruntled, fearful or hateful…relax, enjoy your time on this plane and be happy! We have an incredible opportunity…to be and have success here at SimBUCK$… let’s try to be mindful of that everyday… SimBUCK$ was built for your success and to help bring an incredible infusion of cash into your life…be fully aware of this and always try to be happy and joyous about these remarkable facts...everyday! SimBUCK$ is much more than just a great tool for making money… SimBUCK$ was founded to be...first and foremost...a catalyst for your financial success…but also to help create a great new synergistic culture of appreciation, joy, comaraderie and respect. To create an atmosphere where everyone is always, always, always...doing the right thing! ...and also to help get our world back and reshape it into a much better place to live…for everyone. I firmly believe that that responsibility may directly, or indirectly, lie with us all…in the very near future! Now come along with us…as we enjoy each other…while having a great and spectacular life together here at SimBUCK$! The company is as good as it gets, and the money is as good as it gets, whatever else you might need you can bring it with you…to the party!
Thou May Soon Transform Into A Very Prosperous “King”...Whilst Benefiting...From The Minuscule Toiling Of The Many! How GREAT it will be...when YOU...the “KING in your world”...are cashing in on over 2 dozen Passive Income Streams...Whereby extraordinary people, most of whom you have never met, become very excited and then automatically go to work for YOU by “Mining” a very special kind of “Golden Nugget” ...from metaphorical “Gold*Mines”...that you will actually own & control! The only purpose of current and future “Golden Nugget” Miners, working in your Gold*Mines...is to reward YOU...the “KING in your world”...with their very first “Golden Nugget”...each of these Golden Nuggets are worth $100 per month to YOU! These extraordinary people will gladly do this small task for you...without you ever having to motivate, babysit, coddle, beg or even interact with them... Why will they do this? Because they also get a reward! What is their Reward? Gold*Mine Ownership is their reward! All “Golden Nugget” Miners become Gold*Mine Owners after giving-up their very 1st “Golden Nugget”. You will absolutely love getting paid more and more and more...every single month...in exchange for a tiny bit of work you had to do just once! Your Gold*Mines will eventually turn into massive, long term, automatically-forever increasing, passive income streams for you...wherein complete strangers are always doing the KING’s work, but YOU the KING and the Owner of the Gold*Mines...will always be receiving 100% of the rewards for their amazingly generous and unselfish toil... Those hefty rewards will be coming to you non-stop from an endless number of new “Golden Nugget” Miners that will be automatically and continuously passing thru your Gold*Mines! Am I right in thinking that you may be having a hard time believing in all of this mumbo jumbo? Well prepare yourself, because this is exactly how it works in our incredible New World of...SimBUCK$...and the “Golden Nugget” Mining Game! Our amazingly simple, but massively fruitful Game is now patiently awaiting ...your Royal arrival! - - - - - - - - To help you understand... We are bringing to the world...a new technology ...with brand new concepts that will quickly and unconventionally, relatively speaking, begin to bridge the unfathomable gap between poverty and billionaireship. Yes, an extremely bold and audacious claim! But...we don’t just make up shit and try to sell it to the masses like most of the assholes are doing these days! No! ...NOT EVER!!! We actually created something extremely Unique, Unorthodox, Out-Of-The-Box and most definitely real! It’s also extraordinarily simple...and very easy to implement this massive, unparalleled, money making new Game! Skepticism...although a very healthy thing in most circumstances, can kill your dreams and your ONE chance at 10 figures...IF you allow it to sway you today... DO NOT dismiss our One-Of-A-Kind / Once-In-A-Lifetime-Opportunity for realizing Ultra Rare Wealth, just because it “MAY” sound...“To-Good-To-Be-True”! You will forever remember this day and your decision with the utmost ultimate regret...if you do. I know this very well, because I am the creator of SimBUCK$...and I know exactly how brilliant this Game is and what is in store for you down the road! You simply can’t grasp the enormity of it just yet! This is not the time to be the “Skeptical Doubter”! You will lose way MORE than you could ever imagine was possible. Do this.... Play the Game...Be the Brave Pioneer...and gain the biggest rewards you could never have possibly imagined... We absolutely have your back here...and 100% of your best interests at heart...now trust your gut...and play the Game. ...check in right now to see if you qualify for acceptance as a Golden Nugget “Gamer”. Become the newest & most fortunate Private Member in our Private Member Association’s newest “End The Poverty...Get On The Path To 10 Figures” money Game. How satisfying will it be when you realize that your monthly income has been incrementally increasing every month without fail and without any new, direct energy input from you? 458.262.1044 – Greg
WAIT To Join Our “Golden Nugget Mining Game” …At Your Own PERIL! The Game is One Of A Kind…but somewhat similar to a modern day “Gold Rush”…wherein the people who find the most “Golden Nuggets” first……WIN easily and WIN big! In other words…as more and more time goes on…it will become more and more difficult to find those beautiful “Golden Nuggets”! In other words…you might want to get off your ass very soon…and take advantage of our exceptionally lucrative, Gold*Mine Ownership program…inside the exceptional Golden Nugget Mining Game…BEFORE it goes super viral! This Game is not much different than any other extraordinary “Gold Rush” opportunity…EXCEPT…it is sooo much easier, simpler and profitable than ACTUALLY mining for literal Golden Nuggets! Do not cry…Do not clamor…Do not despair…when this Unique… Unorthodox… Unconventional… Unparalleled… Somewhat Iconoclastic…Outside the Box… Ample +++ and Monumental Game, turns into another “Bitcoin opportunity” for everyone else…while you just sit on your ass and watch it pass you by …once AGAIN! You are being courteously forewarned… The forecast numbers are showing strong growth potential for 12 - 15 years and beyond…but, the first 1 - 3 years will be the best, most lucrative, easiest and most fun time to get involved. Everyone that plays this Game should make a relatively good amount of money over time...no matter when they start the Game…simply, because the Game is so magnificently ingenious in so many ways! You will be rewarded with $100 per month for every “Golden Nugget” that is Mined through any of your Gold*Mines! (incomes generally start around $200 per month and easily and quickly increase exponentially over time…even to well over $10,000 or even $100,000 plus, per month! The Game was designed with an automatic, ever increasing, income curve…with no income limits... Like I have already stated…it will be harder to find “Golden Nuggets” if you procrastinate, misjudge or pooh-pooh this “once in a lifetime” opportunity and refuse to get started…until it is much more mainstream! (…like after everyone and your brother are already playing "The Game" and becoming incredibly... "SimBUCK$ Wealthy!"!!) Are you going to be one of the fortunate, astute, prosperous, “pioneers” to join with our other excited Members…inside our Private Member Association …who are currently loving our “Golden Nugget” Mining Game??? OR… ...are you simply Doomed to repeat your past…where Fear, Ignorance & Skepticism Rule the Day! If you want to make someone angry, tell him a lie; …if you want to make him furious, tell him the truth. You probably can’t appreciate this right now…but someday…YOU may actually LOVE ME forever...just for simply taking the time to share this amazing Private Membership opportunity and lucrative Game with you…today! Yes…it absolutely, positvely, really IS...that good!